Govt. of Pakistan

Pakistan Horticulture Development & Export Company
Ministry of Commerce, Govt. of Pakistan


Pre-Season Seminar on Mango

Pre-Season Seminar on Mango PHDEC in pursuance of its mandate on product development held a pre-season seminar on mango. CEO PHDEC, Mr. Athar Hussain Khokhar welcomed the guests and thanked the speakers for taking time out of their already very busy schedules.Dr. Waqar Ahmed, Sector Advisor (Horticulture) briefed about the harvesting time & methods and explained how mature stage plucking is important to produce optimum quality mango. He laid special emphasis on internationally adopted Post-harvest/handling techniques and its importance to maintain quality.Mr Javed Iqbal, Principle Scientist Horticulture, Mango Research Station’Shujabad. Multan, focused on briefing participants on pruning and explained that it tends to stimulate shoot development in mango trees usually resulting in vigorous vegetative re-growth. He stated that pruning is usually carried out to re-shape trees and open up the centers, allowing free movement of air and sunlight resulting in high yield and premium quality fruit for the next season.

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Harvesting and Storage of Garlic

Harvesting and Storage of Garlic PHDEC in pursuance of its mandate conducted a webinar on “Harvesting and Storage of Garlic”.The webinar provided a platform to the stakeholders to discuss harvesting, post-harvest handling, transportation, loading, unloading, curing & storages issues of garlic to minimize the postharvest losses. The webinar further aimed to discuss the availability of premium quality garlic in domestic market.CEO, PHDEC Mr. Athar Hussain Khokhar briefed the participants on the mandate and upcoming pilot projects of PHDEC. He extended PHDEC’s support to all stakeholders.Experts from NARC, Islamabad and PMAS Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi presented the importance of harvest time, maturity indices, harvest process, methods of harvesting, curing & storage, drying methods and preservation techniques for garlic in Pakistan.A large number of processors, progressive growers, R&D, private companies and academia participated in the webinar.

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Value added products of Citrus

Value added products of Citrus PHDEC while consolidating on its mandate conducted a webinar on “Value-added products of Citrus”. The purpose of the webinar was to share possible interventions in value-addition of citrus. Target audiences of the webinar were processors, progressive growers, R&D and private companies. The stakeholders were from all over the Pakistan. CEO, PHDEC Mr. Athar Hussain Khokhar extended PHDEC’s support to all stakeholders in any product and export related matters. Senior Scientist (Food Technology) from Citrus Research Institute Sargodha explained Pre-Cooling Technology for citrus fruit, canning, grading, packing technology, modified atmosphere technology, drying and processing technology for citrus #fruit in Pakistan. He emphasized on Establishment of agro-processing training institutes, Bulk-handling and storage technology at farms levels, establishing of small food processing plants at district level and encourage direct marketing of products by the farmers. A large number of processors, progressive growers, R&D, private companies and academia participated in the webinar and lauded PHDEC’s initiative.

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End of Season Seminar on Citrus

End of Season Seminar on Citrus PHDEC in pursuance of its mandate organised an “End of Season Seminar on Citrus” in collaboration with College of Agriculture, University of Sargodha. A large number of exporters/processors, growers, experts from R&D, and Academia participated in the seminar physically and through Zoom link. CEO, PHDEC Mr. Athar Khokhar welcomed the participants and briefed on the mandate of PHDEC. In continuation, Prof. Dr. Athar Nadeem, Dean Faculty of Agriculture, appreciated the efforts of PHDEC and extended college’s full support in future.Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Khan, Director Citrus Research Institute, Sargodha enlightened the participants on production technology and good agricultural practices for Citrus to get good quality and yield.Mr. Muhammad Riaz shared the current status of citrus exports and challenges being faced by the exporters. Mr. Abdul Rehman, Assistant Plant Pathologist, Citrus Research Institute, Sargodha, and Mr. Abdul Raheem Khan shared valuable information on how to control blemishes in the orchard and harvest/post-harvest handling of citrus fruit to minimise post-harvest losses. While concluding, Mr. Khawar Nadeem, from PHDEC, informed the participants on PHDEC’s upcoming activities and ensured that PHDEC will continue such activities in the production hubs of horticultural products.

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Mango Bagging Projects

Mango Bagging Project PHDEC kicked off “the Pilot Project on Mango Bagging” in collaboration with Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam, Sindh Abadgar Board, Sindh Mango Growers Association and Genuine Delight Farms.  The launching ceremony was held at Genuine Delight Farms, Tando Allah Yar where a large number of progressive mango growers, representatives from Sindh Agriculture Department, R&D, and Academia witnessed the ceremony.  PHDEC has provided 75,000 mango bags to growers /mango exporters for improving quality of the mangoes to fetch higher prices in high end International markets. Project Kickoff Media Coverage Print Media

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Webinar on ‘Harvest & post-harvest’ handling techniques of Apple

Harvest & post-harvest handling techniques of Apple Pakistan Horticulture Development & Export Company while pursuing its mandate of product development and value chain optimization, under the guidance and support of Trade Development Authority of Pakistan conducted a webinar on ‘Harvest & post-harvest handling techniques of Apple. Experts from Balochistan Agriculture Department and NARC, Ministry of National Food Security & Research enlightened the small holders of apple on recommended harvesting, postharvest handling, and packing techniques. The efforts of PHDEC were lauded by all stakeholders of the apple value-chain of Pakistan including growers, processors, exporters, R&D and academia.

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Training of Farmers on Nursery Propagation, Transplantation & Plant Population of Red Chilies

Webinar on “Training of Farmers on Nursery Propagation, Transplantation & Plant Population of Red Chilies” aimed at building capacity of the farmers on nursery propagation, transplantation of nursery plants & plant population of chilies. Participants of the webinar were progressive grower/farmers of chilies. Experts from PARC-AZRC, NARC & TDAP explained the production technology and different phases involved in the propagation, transplantation and population of chili plants. A large number of growers, farmers, R&D, private companies and academia participated in the webinar and valued this much needed initiative from PHDEC.

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Webinar on Biological Control of Insects, Pests of Citrus

Today (April 13, 2023) a Webinar on Biological Control of Insects, Pests of Citrus was organized by Pakistan Horticulture Development & Export Company (PHDEC) in collaboration with the Department of Horticulture, and Department of Entomology, College of Agriculture, University of Sargodha. A large number of participants participated in this Webinar via zoom link. Experts from the Department of Horticulture, UOS discussed the following in detail:

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