Preparation of Mango Orchards for Next Crop by Effective Management Techniques
(4th September 2024), PHDEC conducted the webinar on “Preparation of Mango Orchards for Next Crop by Effective Management Techniques”.The aim was to discuss and enlighten the growers/farmers on good farming practices for viable crop production to produce good quality mangoes and to get high yields.Dr. Javed Iqbal, Senior Scientist, Mango Research Station, Shujabad provided a detailed overview of mango orchard management and delivered a presentation on soil, irrigation & nutrition management, pruning, use of pesticides/chemicals, vegetative and root growth patterns and its management for better plant health. The session was concluded with a Q&A segment from the audience.A large number of growers/farmers, R&D, entrepreneurs, and academia participated in the webinar and valued the PHDEC’s initiative.