Govt. of Pakistan

Pakistan Horticulture Development & Export Company
Ministry of Commerce, Govt. of Pakistan


Webinar on Biological Control of Insects, Pests of Citrus

Today (April 13, 2023) a Webinar on Biological Control of Insects, Pests of Citrus was organized by Pakistan Horticulture Development & Export Company (PHDEC) in collaboration with the Department of Horticulture, and Department of Entomology, College of Agriculture, University of Sargodha. A large number of participants participated in this Webinar via zoom link. Experts from the Department of Horticulture, UOS discussed the following in detail:

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Post-harvest Management, Logistics, and Storage of Potato

PHDEC organized a webinar on “Post-harvest Management, Logistics, and Storage of Potato”. Potato is an important vegetable crop of Pakistan with an annual production of about 8MMT. Its supply/harvesting starts in the month of December and concludes in April every year in Punjab. Bearing in mind the importance of this transitional phase, PHDEC conducted this webinar with a special focus on harvesting, postharvest handling, transportation, bagging, stacking, loading, unloading, storage etc to minimise the posharvest losses and for the availability of the premium quality produce in the domestic and high-end market. To enlighten the participants on the subject matter, experts from research institutes and the potato grower’s society, Okara were invited. A large number of growers/farmers, processors, exporters, academia and R&D institutes participated in the webinar. The audience appreciated PHDEC’s initiative of training workshops/seminars in potato production hubs.  

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Pre-season Webinar on Mangoes

Pakistan Horticulture Development & Export Company held an online pre-season seminar on mango wherein the current burning issues of mango sector such as harvesting, handling and transportation were discussed at large. The seminar was delivered by Dr. Muhammad Amin from The Islamia University of Bahawalpur Pakistan. The seminar was attended by participants from University of Agriculture Faisalabad – Official, mango growers from Punjab and Sindh, processors etc. The seminar will enable stakeholders to prepare their produce in line with the International standards resulting in expansion of mango exports from Pakistan.

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Recent Advancements in Pakistan for Trade Compliance to Aflatoxin & MRLs in Red Chillies

Pakistan Horticulture Development & Export Company conducted a webinar on “Recent Advancements in Pakistan for Trade Compliance to Aflatoxin & MRLs in Red Chillies”.Due to aflatoxin issue, chilie export from Pakistan has observed a decrease of around 9%. The webinar aimed at disseminating information on recent developments in management of aflatoxin and pesticide residual issues to the stakeholders. Dr. Mubarak Ahmed, Consultant (Agro) Trade Development Authority of Pakistan , Dr. Hamza Shabaz from CABI-Pakistan, Dr. Farrakh Mehboob and Dr Atif Jamal from NARC, Ministry of National Food Security & Research were among the presenters. A large number of participants from growers, processors, exporters, R&D and academia participated in the webinar. The participants raised questions of availability of solar dryers, bio pesticides, and other related issues. The initiative was greatly lauded by all participants in attendance and further requested to conduct capacity building seminars/workshops on Good Agriculture Practices of Chilies in chili growing areas.

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Mango Orchard Management for Good Quality & Yield of Mango Fruit

Pakistan Horticulture Development & Export Company (PHDEC) conducted a webinar on the subject; “Mango Orchard Management for Good Quality & Yield of Mango Fruit”. Around 100 professionals, including farmers/growers, processors, R&D, and Academia, participated in the webinar. They were enlightened on mango orchard management with special emphases on fruit setting, fruit development, insect/pest & disease management, and nutrition management.  

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Onion production, supply chain, logistics, storage and export issues

PHDEC while working on its mandate held an online session to facilitate onion growers and exporters of Pakistan. The webinar aimed at taking stock of onion crop for future working of PHDEC. The meeting reviewed the onion crop production, supply chain, logistics, storage and export issues. It proved to be a great knowledge sharing effort wherein stake holders were enlightened about onion and its export to new and potential markets. The participants shared their suggestions for the current season including market opening, market and product development and exposure/linkage visits.

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Potato crop production, harvesting, post-harvest handling and export issues

PHDEC while keeping in consideration its mandate held a webinar aimed at taking stock of the potato industry of Pakistan. The meeting reviewed the potato crop production, harvesting, post-harvest handling and export issues. It proved to be a great knowledge sharing platform about potato and its export to markets with better ease of business protocols for Pakistani potatoes. The participants shared their suggestions for upcoming season including market opening, market and product development and exposure/linkages visits.

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