
Swat-1 Onion: Unlocking Production Potential and Market Prospects

September 10, 2024, Pakistan Horticulture Development & Export Company (PHDEC) is going to organize a webinar titled “Swat-1 Onion: Unlocking Production Potential and Market Prospects,”
The session will focus on Swat-1 Onion, a popular red-skin variety in Pakistan known for its high yield potential of 35-40 tons/ha and good keeping quality of 3-4 months at ambient temperature in ventilated storage. With medium bulb size (8-12 bulbs/kg) and high-top bulb shape, this variety shows great promise for enhancing onion production and market competitiveness.
Pakistan ranks 7th globally in onion production and 8th in exports, with an average yield of 14.3 tons/ha, which is below the world average of 19 tons/ha. By addressing this 15-ton yield gap with improved technologies like Swat-1, we can potentially add 2.5 million tons to the national production, significantly boosting both domestic supply and export prospects.
Dr. Noor Habib, Principal Research Officer, ARI Mingora, Swat will be presenter for the webinar. This session will explore strategies to optimize production and capitalize on future market opportunities, benefiting stakeholders across the Swat-1 supply chain.