Today (27Jan 2025), the PHDEC team participated in a national seminar on chilies organized by the Ayub Agricultural Research Institute (AARI), Faisalabad. The CEO, PHDEC briefed the audience on the organization’s mandate and its role in uplifting the horticulture sector through product and market development.
He emphasized the importance of controlling Aflatoxins and addressing Maximum Residue Limit (MRL) issues in both fresh and dried/powdered chilies to boost exports. The CEO also highlighted that PHDEC has secured approval for a commercial-scale project funded by the Export Development Fund (EDF). Through this initiative, approximately 35 solar tunnel dryers will be distributed among progressive chili growers and processors in Umerkot and its surrounding areas, the primary chili-producing hub in Sindh.
Additionally, the CEO offered PHDEC’s support to both public and private sectors for any required assistance under the perview of PHDEC’s mandate. He encouraged AARI to develop pest- and disease-resistant, as well as climate-resilient, vegetable varieties, including chilies.
He also informed the participants about the upcoming FOODAg Manufacturing Expo scheduled to be held from 26–28 February 2025 at the Expo Center, Lahore, and invited stakeholders from the sector to participate as exhibitors or visitors according to their areas of expertise.